about chief bromden

Chief Bromden is a character from the novel and film adaption One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (and narrator in the novel), and was portrayed by Will Sampson. Chief Bromden (nicknamed Chief Broom as he is tasked with sweeping floors) is a patient in a mental hospital where he meets a new patient that forever changes his life and the lives of the staff and patients.

The new patient, Randle McMurphy, is faking mental illness to avoid time in a work camp, and catches on very quickly to Chief Bromden's own fake symptoms... Chief Bromden has been faking being deaf and mute. But in doing this, he is able to learn many secrets and observe people without being noticed. He is very insightful into the lives of the staff and patients and sees things many do not. And through his relationship with Randle, Chief Bromden is able to take back his life and freedom, and also gives Randle his to the best of his ability.

I first read One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest in junior high and it's a great book. The story of a man trying to avoid prison by faking mental illness is the central plot, being told and seen through the eyes of a Native American patient who is faking symptoms of his own. The story is very touching as this solitary man who doesn't belong there brings life and dignity to the patients. And the friendship and loyalty that develops between all of them is what drives the ending to it's tragic but empowering finish!

The film starring Jack Nicholson, Will Sampson, and Lousie Fletcher took a few deviations from the book, as all films do, but kept the heart of the story and was able to please fans and critics. The film was harsh and true but still emotional and heart wrenching. The actors portrayed their characters with passion and the result was a critically acclaimed award winning film masterpiece!